Javascript Python Logo
Javascript Python Logo function createPythonLogo() { const xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; const svg = document.createElementNS(xmlns, "svg"); svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 200 200"); svg.setAttribute("width", "200"); svg.setAttribute("height", "200"); // Background Circle const bgCircle = document.createElementNS(xmlns, "circle"); bgCircle.setAttribute("cx", "10..
2024.12.16 -
The classList API
The classList API I have to be honest with you: I feel like a fraud writing about JavaScript for HTML5 Doctor. I would feel like a fraud writing about JavaScript for a click-driven ad-splattered content farm, never mind HTML5 Doctor.The thing is though, I’m writing about the classList API, and it’s super easy. If your JavaScript-fu isn’t great and you’re wary of HTML5 APIs, this one is at the pe..
2014.09.16 -
$.ajax beforeSend
$.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : url, async : false, data : postData, beforeSend : function (){ $.blockUI({ fadeIn : 0, fadeOut : 0, showOverlay : false }); }, success : function (returnData) { //stuff }, error : function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { //other stuff }, complete : function (){ $.unblockUI(); } });
2014.01.12 -
날자 객체 Date Object
날짜와 날짜 차이 일수 계산 /*============================================================== Description : 날짜와 날짜 차이 일수 계산 Arg : start - 문자형 날짜값 (end보다 날짜가 작아야 됨) end - 문자형 날짜값 (start보다 날짜가 커야 됨) return : 차이 일수===============================================================*/function dayDif(start, end){ var f=document.frm; var v1=start.split("-"); var v2=end.split("-"); var a1=new Date(v1[0],v1[1],v1[2]).get..
2014.01.05 -
Google maia.js - the "Twitter Bootstrap" made by Google with Closure
Google Maia - the "Twitter Bootstrap" made by Google with Closure http://www.google.com/js/maia.js
2013.09.04 -
[canvas] 간단히 만들어보는 HTML5 애니메이션
canvas 안에서 각 좌표 목표에 닿을때 패스를 구성하는 원을 만들어 봅니다. 지원되지 않는 브라우져 입니다. 지원되지 않는 브라우져 입니다.