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왕좌의 게임 시즌02 2화 - The Night Lands

왕좌의 게임 시즌02 2화 - The Night Lands

방영 날자 : 4월 8, 2012

요약 : Arya Stark travels up the Kingsroad with a ragtag group of Night's Watch recruits, led by Yoren. When gold cloaks approach their camp, she immediately hunkers down, fearing that they're searching for her, but it turns out the men have been sent for Gendry, one of the sole surviving bastards of Robert Baratheon. Yoren tells the guards that his travel companions belong to the Night's Watch now, and draws a dagger against the inside of the lead rider's thigh. "You could die here at this crossroads," Yoren tells him. "Or you could go back to your city and tell your masters you didn't find what you were looking for." Infuriated, the City Watchmen leave.

Inside the Red Keep of King's Landing, Tyrion Lannister returns to his chambers and finds Lord Varys talking with Shae. The spymaster makes it clear that he knows who Shae is and that Tyrion was forbidden from bringing her to court. Tyrion listens to his veiled threats but responds in much more concrete language: "I am not Ned Stark," he tells Varys. "I will have you thrown into the sea." The eunuch, however, is not intimidated. The men leave together to attend a Small Council meeting, where Cersei Baratheon tears up the peace terms offered by Robb Stark. Tyrion sarcastically points out that her brand of diplomacy hasn't gotten them very far.