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왕좌의 게임 시즌03 7화 - The Bear and the Maiden Fair

왕좌의 게임 시즌03 7화 - The Bear and the Maiden Fair

방영 날자 : 5월 12, 2013

요약 : As the wildlings continue their trek south, Jon Snow confronts Orell about cutting him loose on the Wall. The wildling explains that his actions epitomize their way of life: People " love each other when it suits them and they kill each other when it suits them."

Because Jon does not understand their ways, Orell insists, he will lose Ygritte. Orell voices concerns to her as well-she should be with one of her own, specifically, him. When his declaration is met with silence, he warns, "You won't love him so much when you find out what he really is."

King Joffrey, ensconced on his throne, calls a meeting with his Hand, Lord Tywin Lannister. Joffrey takes issue with the location of his Small Council meetings and inquires about rumors of dragons. Tywin's pointed responses make it clear to Joffrey that his grandfather is the one in charge.