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왕좌의 게임 시즌04 6화 - The Laws of Gods and Men

왕좌의 게임 시즌04 6화 - The Laws of Gods and Men

방영 날자 : 5월 11, 2014

요약 : Stannis Baratheon and Davos Seaworth arrive in Braavos for their meeting with the Iron Bank. They petition for funding but banker Tycho Nestoris says no - the numbers don't add up. Davos removes his glove and exposes his severed fingers to remind the bankers that Stannis understands accountability. Furthermore, the Lannisters rule now, but what happens when the 67-year-old Tywin dies? The Onion Knight is resolute: "There's only one reliable leader left in Westeros - Stannis." The request is granted, and Davos tracks down his former comrade Salladhor Saan in a pleasure house. Passing him a case of gold coins, Davos informs the pirate that they sail at sunrise.