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왕좌의 게임 시즌05 1화 - The Wars to Come

왕좌의 게임 시즌05 1화 - The Wars to Come

방영 날자 : 4월 12, 2015

요약 : A young Cersei Lannister and her highborn friend trudge through the woods in search of the notorious witch Maggy the Frog. Cersei demands that Maggy foretell her future. The woman tastes the girl's blood and answers her questions: Cersei will be queen, until someone younger and more beautiful replaces her; Cersei will have three children, and furthermore, "Gold will be their crowns – and gold their shrouds." 

In King's Landing, Cersei arrives at the Sept of Baelor to attend her father's funeral, passing Margaery Tyrell in the receiving line. She requests a moment of privacy and joins her brother, who stands guard over Tywin's body. The twins discuss the ramifications of their father's death on the Lannister legacy. They agree that their hold on the kingdom is threatened – a predicament for which Cersei holds both her brothers responsible. "Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose," she tells Jaime. "You killed him by mistake."