왕좌의 게임 시즌05 10화 - Mother's Mercy

2017. 1. 28. 00:49영화/왕좌의게임

왕좌의 게임 시즌05 10화 - Mother's Mercy

방영 날자 : 6월 14, 2015

요약 : The morning after Shireen's death, the camp has thawed and the ice is melting, and Stannis Baratheon dresses for battle. Melisandre credits the thaw to her king's sacrifice, and reiterates that the Lord of Light will ensure his victory. Stannis enters his camp and receives word that nearly half of his army has deserted. Even worse, Selyse Baratheon has hanged herself. Upon hearing the news, Melisandre flees. Stannis solemnly commands his troops to proceed for Winterfell anyway. 

Taking advantage of a Bolton household distracted with battle preparations, Sansa escapes from her room using the bung auger she stole on the battlements, and follows the instructions she received from the Stark sympathizer. She climbs the tower and lights a candle, but Brienne of Tarth misses the signal. Informed by Podrick of the approaching flaming heart banners, Brienne had abandoned her post to pursue Stannis.