왕좌의 게임 시즌06 9화 - Battle of the Bastards

2017. 1. 28. 00:54영화/왕좌의게임

왕좌의 게임 시즌06 9화 - Battle of the Bastards

방영 날자 : 6월 19, 2016

요약 : In response to the attack on Meereen, Daenerys decides she will crucify the Masters and destroy their cities. Tyrion likens Dany’s plan to her father, who planned to King's Landing with wildfire, and suggests “an alternate approach.”

Daenerys and her council meet with the three slaver envoys, who assume they are negotiating Daenerys' surrender. The trio inform the queen the Unsullied and Missandei will be sold to the highest bidders, and the dragons slaughtered. Daenerys clarifies her position by climbing onto Drogon and leading her three dragons to lay waste to the slavers’ warships, while Daario and her Dothraki horde cut down the Sons of the Harpy surrounding the city.

Missandei tells the envoys one of them will die as punishment for breaking their pact. Razdal and Belicho shove Yezzan forward, but Grey Worm slashes Belicho and Razdal’s necks instead. Tyrion charges the still-startled Yezzan with telling his people what happened “when Daenerys Stormborn and her dragons came to Meereen.”