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PHP 5.5.x

Deprecated features in PHP 5.5.x

ext/mysql deprecation

The original MySQL extension is now deprecated, and will generate E_DEPRECATED errors when connecting to a database. Instead, use the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extensions.

preg_replace() /e modifier

The preg_replace() /e modifier is now deprecated. Instead, use the preg_replace_callback() function.

intl deprecations

IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneID() and datefmt_set_timezone_id() are now deprecated. Instead, use the IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone() method and datefmt_set_timezone()function, respectively.

mcrypt deprecations

The following functions have been deprecated:

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php.ini 보안  (0) 2012.02.05
Read PDF and Word DOC Files Using PHP  (0) 2011.12.21
Send Files via FTP Using PHP  (0) 2011.12.21