윈도우 프로그래밍(9)
오픈소스 - Hexagones
Game that I made for school in first year (so the game and the source code is in French). It is a 2-player game : Each played has to join two boundaries of the game board (red or blue) by filling empty zones with hexagons. The first one that makes the join wins. Version: 1.0 (1999-04-24)System: MS-DOS, WindowsLicense: Freeware/GPLCompiler: Borland TASM 다운로드: Executable + Source, 24 KB 실행 화면 1 20..
2016.06.25 -
오픈소스 - 2do
Notes management (made because a 'to do.txt' file was not enough). Version: 1.3.3 (2001-08-21)System: Windows 9x/NT/XPLicense: Freeware/GPLCompiler: Borland Delphi 5 다운로드: Executable (install), 525 KB다운로드: Source code, 39 KB 실행 화면 1 2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - Hexagones2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - 2do2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - Ant Loupe2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - Ant QuickRes2016/06/25 - [오픈..
2016.06.25 -
오픈소스 - Ant Loupe
Magnify glass ('Loupe' in French) that increases the screen area that is under the mouse cursor. Version: 1.0 (2003-07-05)System: Windows 9x/NT/XPLicense: Freeware/GPLCompiler: Borland Delphi 7 다운로드: Executable, 311 KB다운로드: Source code (requires also Ant Delphi Components), 20 KB 실행 화면 1
2016.06.25 -
오픈소스 - Ant QuickRes
Command-line tool to modify screen resolution, color depth and refresh rate. Made to modify resolution from a shortcut or a batch. Version: 1.1 (2003-12-31)System: Windows 9x/NT/XPLicense: Freeware/GPLCompiler: Borland Delphi 7 다운로드: Executable + Source, 33 KB 2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - Hexagones2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - 2do2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - Ant Loupe2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - ..
2016.06.25 -
오픈소스 - Ant Access Viewer
Program that allows to view, edit, export data from a Microsoft Access database (.mdb file). Uses ADO and MDAC, so an update from here may be useful. Version: 1.1.3 (2008-05-09)System: Windows 9x/NT/XPLicense: Freeware/GPLCompiler: Borland Delphi 7 다운로드: Executable, 459 KB다운로드: Source code, 42 KB 실행 화면 1
2016.06.25 -
오픈소스 - Ant Delphi Components
Few Delphi components that I use in my recent programs. This package contains components that I made, a modified version of TCorelButton, and some components from the JVCL. Version: n/a (2005-01-02)System: WindowsLicense: Freeware/MPLCompiler: Borland Delphi 6 & 7 다운로드: Source code, 208 KB 2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - Hexagones2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - 2do2016/06/25 - [오픈소스] - 오픈소스 - Ant Loup..