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Searching passwords by using searching tool google.com QueryDescription inurl:/db/main.mdbASP-Nuke passwords filetype:cfm "cfapplication name" passwordColdFusion source with potential passwords filetype:pass pass intext:useriddbman credentials allinurl:auth_user_file.txtDCForum user passwords eggdrop filetype:user userEggdrop IRC user credentials filetype:ini inurl:flashFXP.iniFlashFXP FTP credentials filetype:url +inurl:"ftp://" +inurl:"@"FTP bookm.. 더보기
Using the Metasploit Console to Launch Exploits $ ./msfconsole 888 888 d8b888 888 888 Y8P888 888 888 88888888b.d88b. .d88b. 888888 8888b. .d8888b 88888b. 888 .d88b. 888888888888 "888 "88bd8P Y8b888 "88b88K 888 "88b888d88""88b888888888 888 88888888888888 .d888888"Y8888.. 더보기
Apache Killer" a DDoS using the Range HTTP Header In 2007, a Google engineer, Michal Zalewski, published a memo detailing a potential vulnerability of both Apache and IIS Web Servers after investigating the HTTP/1.1 "Range" header implementation. He reported then: it is my impression that a lone, short request can be used to trick the server into firing gigabytes of bogus data into the void, regardless of the server file size, connection count,.. 더보기
JSUNPACK JSUNPACK A Generic JavaScript Unpacker CAUTION: jsunpack was designed for security researchers and computer professionals http://jsunpack.jeek.org/dec/go?report=8f3d0bc86a4041333de321f968d69d8c488b8812 다음 문서의 내용을 실행 할때 자바스크립트를 중지 하십시오 Submission permanent link 8f3d0bc86a4041333de321f968d69d8c488b8812 (Received 2010-10-21 07:26:09, img.js ) URL Status All Malicious or Suspicious Elements of Submi.. 더보기