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PHP 클래스 PHP 클래스1.클래스정의 클래스란? 클래스는객체의변수와함수를정의하는템플릿이며,이에따라변수로표현되는데이터영역과이러한데이터영역에접근할수있는함수로구성됩니다.클래스내에정의된변수를멤버변수(member variable)라고하고함수를메쏘드(method)라고합니다. C++과같은객체지향언어에서는멤버변수를데이터멤버,메쏘드를멤버함수라고호칭합니다. PHP에서클래스를사용하는것은 C++또는자바와거의비슷합니다. 클래스정의 클래스를정의(class definition)할때는키워드"class"를사용합니다.클래스를구성하는멤버변수와메쏘드를정의할때는"var"과"function"이라는키워드를사용합니다."function"은일반함수를정의할때도사용되지만"var"은클래스의멤버변수를정의할때만사용되는키워드로,멤버변수를정의할때는반드시명시하여야합니다.예를.. 더보기
drupal android 오픈소스 http://github.com/gby/droidpal/ 더보기
Key pros and cons of Drupal vs Joomla Drupal * Rock solid & high quality platform * Real multi-site-feature (only one installation for several sites) * Any Kind of user groups & user permissions, OpenId compliant in Version 6 * Can run membership and community sites, not only CMS etc * Powerful templating system. Any XHTML or CSS template can be easily converted to Drupal. * Drupal needs a little time investment to realize all the h.. 더보기
Using MySQL Stored Procedures with PHP mysql/mysqli/pdo Using MySQL Stored Procedures with PHP mysql/mysqli/pdohttp://www.joeyrivera.com/2009/using-mysql-stored-procedures-with-php-mysqlmysqlipdo/ Wondering how to use stored procedures with PHP and MySQL? So was I and here’s what I’ve learned. In this tutorial I’ll explain how to use PHP (I’m using 5.2.6) to call MySQL (I’m using 5.0.2) stored procedures using the following database extensions:MySQL .. 더보기