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왕좌의 게임 시즌04 6화 - The Laws of Gods and Men 왕좌의 게임 시즌04 6화 - The Laws of Gods and Men방영 날자 : 5월 11, 2014요약 : Stannis Baratheon and Davos Seaworth arrive in Braavos for their meeting with the Iron Bank. They petition for funding but banker Tycho Nestoris says no - the numbers don't add up. Davos removes his glove and exposes his severed fingers to remind the bankers that Stannis understands accountability. Furthermore, the Lannisters rule .. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌04 5화 - First of His Name 왕좌의 게임 시즌04 5화 - First of His Name방영 날자 : 5월 4, 2014요약 : Littlefinger and Sansa are stopped at the only entrance to the Eyrie, the Bloody Gate. The guards immediately stand down once Littlefinger announces himself and "his niece, Alayne." In the High Hall of the Eyrie, Lysa Arryn acknowledges Sansa's true identity and introduces her niece to Robin. Alone with Littlefinger, Lysa demands that they.. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌04 4화 - Oathkeeper 왕좌의 게임 시즌04 4화 - Oathkeeper방영 날자 : 4월 27, 2014요약 : Missandei gives Grey Worm a lesson in the Common Tongue, and they recount being taken into slavery as children. Grey Worm tells his tutor he has no desire to return to his homeland; he only wants to "kill the masters." Later that evening, Grey Worm leads his army, disguised as slaves, to infiltrate Meereen through the sewers. The Unsullied rally.. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌04 3화 - Breaker of Chains 왕좌의 게임 시즌04 3화 - Breaker of Chains방영 날자 : 4월 20, 2014요약 : Cersei Baratheon holds the deceased King Joffrey in her arms and commands the guards to seize her brother Tyrion. Realizing Sansa has vanished, Tywin Lannister orders the gold cloaks to bar the gates and search for her. Dontos rushes Sansa on to a rowboat and guides them to a ship concealed in fog. Sansa climbs aboard and is greeted by Li.. 더보기