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왕좌의 게임 시즌03 8화 - Second Sons 왕좌의 게임 시즌03 8화 - Second Sons방영 날자 : 5월 19, 2013요약 : Daenerys Targaryen, Barristan Selmy and Jorah Mormont scout a group of mercenaries paid to protect Yunkai, the Second Sons. Although there are more Unsullied than sellswords, Ser Barristan warns Dany they are formidable. Dany invites their leaders, Mero of Braavos, Prendahl na Ghezn and Daario Naharis to meet in an attempt to buy their allegian.. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌03 7화 - The Bear and the Maiden Fair 왕좌의 게임 시즌03 7화 - The Bear and the Maiden Fair방영 날자 : 5월 12, 2013요약 : As the wildlings continue their trek south, Jon Snow confronts Orell about cutting him loose on the Wall. The wildling explains that his actions epitomize their way of life: People " love each other when it suits them and they kill each other when it suits them." Because Jon does not understand their ways, Orell insists, he wil.. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌03 6화 - The Climb 왕좌의 게임 시즌03 6화 - The Climb방영 날자 : 5월 5, 2013요약 : Samwell Tarly struggles to build a fire to warm Gilly and her infant. His lack of know-how confirms what Gilly suspected; Sam is highborn. He tells her what to expect once they reach Castle Black and at Gilly's request, sings a song to lull her baby to sleep. North of Winterfell, Osha and Meera Reed bicker until Bran Stark demands they stop: They .. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌03 5화 - Kissed by Fire 왕좌의 게임 시즌03 5화 - Kissed by Fire방영 날자 : 4월 28, 2013요약 : In the Brotherhood Without Banners' hideout, the Hound's trial begins. Thoros of Myr slices Lord Beric Dondarrion's outstretched hand, using the blood to ignite Beric's sword. Arya Stark is thrilled to see Beric's flaming blade gives him an advantage, until the Hound crashes his sword down on his opponent. Thoros begins to pray over his brot.. 더보기