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왕좌의 게임 시즌02 10화 - Valar Morghulis 왕좌의 게임 시즌02 10화 - Valar Morghulis방영 날자 : 6월 3, 2012요약 : Tyrion Lannister wakes up in a modest room with his head wrapped in a bandage. Gloating, Grand Maester Pycelle tells him that Lord Tywin Lannister defeated Stannis Baratheon-and Tyrion is no longer Hand of the King. In the throne room, Joffrey hands out rewards to the heroes of the Battle of Blackwater. Lord Tywin is named Hand; Lord Petyr .. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌02 9화 - Blackwater 왕좌의 게임 시즌02 9화 - Blackwater방영 날자 : 5월 27, 2012요약 : As Stannis Baratheon's ships sail to King's Landing, Matthos Seaworth assures his father, Davos, that come morning, the elder Seaworth will be Hand of the King. They have more men, and the Lord of Light on their side. In King's Landing, Shae tries to comfort Tyrion Lannister, who is having trouble sleeping. Tyrion knows that the Lannisters won't.. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌02 8화 - The Prince of Winterfell 왕좌의 게임 시즌02 8화 - The Prince of Winterfell방영 날자 : 5월 20, 2012요약 : Theon Greyjoy welcomes his sister, Yara, to Winterfell. Expecting praise, he becomes defensive when she criticizes his decision to execute the Stark boys for running away. Theon is further shocked when she tells him their father, Lord Balon, wants him home. When he refuses to give up the castle, Yara reminds Theon that Robb Stark w.. 더보기
왕좌의 게임 시즌02 7화 - A Man Without Honor 왕좌의 게임 시즌02 7화 - A Man Without Honor방영 날자 : 5월 13, 2012요약 : Theon Greyjoy wakes and discovers the wildling Osha has escaped Winterfell with Hodor and the Stark boys. Enraged, Theon savagely beats one of his men and orders the rest to gather the horses and hounds to hunt down the prisoners. They track the boys to a nearby farm. Deep in the Frostfangs, Jon Snow sleeps huddled behind Ygritte, who w.. 더보기