2017. 1. 18. 18:06ㆍ정치사회
theguardian의 트럼프에 대한 평가
T is for TRUMP U CASE – he’s been acquitted!
T is for TRUMP U CASE – he’s been acquitted!
OBAMACARE, with few insured
O is OBAMACARE, with few insured
C is for CHOICE, wiped out by a stacked court
C is for CHOICE, wiped out by a stacked court
N’s NET NEUTRALITY, ceded to Comcast
N’s NET NEUTRALITY, ceded to Comcast
S is SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, now not permitted
S is SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, now not permitted
Sam Wood
X is for XENOPHOBES – no, they come out great
Natalie Metzger
L is for LIBERTY, cast down like the devilNatalie Metzger
L is for LIBERTY, cast down like the devil
Heather Hudson
D is for DIPLOMACY, nuked just for sportHeather Hudson
D is for DIPLOMACY, nuked just for sport
Satine Phoenix
E is for ECONOMY, bankrupt, you betchaSatine Phoenix
E is for ECONOMY, bankrupt, you betcha
David Ellis Dickerson
F is for FREE SPEECH, carried out on a stretcherDavid Ellis Dickerson
F is for FREE SPEECH, carried out on a stretcher
Kyle Stanley Hunter
G is for GUN LAWS, shot by Wayne LaPierre
John Kovalic
V is for VACCINES, shunned due to distrustJohn Kovalic
V is for VACCINES, shunned due to distrust
Veronica Berns
K is for KNOWLEDGE, stuck at a 5th grade levelVeronica Berns
K is for KNOWLEDGE, stuck at a 5th grade level
Cara Heacock
H is for HABITATS, sans clean water and airCara Heacock
H is for HABITATS, sans clean water and air
Mackenzie Schubert
U is for UNIONS, stomped down into dustMackenzie Schubert
U is for UNIONS, stomped down into dust
Mike Selinker’s The Ghastlytrump TiniesMike Selinker’s The Ghastlytrump Tinies
Aviv Or
I is for IMMIGRANTS, deported en masseAviv Or
I is for IMMIGRANTS, deported en masse
Len Peralta
B is for BORDER, blighted by a big wallLen Peralta
B is for BORDER, blighted by a big wall
David Malki
R is REPORTERS, press freedom repressedDavid Malki
R is REPORTERS, press freedom repressed
Lar deSouza
J is for JUDGES, strong-armed without classLar deSouza
J is for JUDGES, strong-armed without class
A is for ARCTIC, drilled by wells so tallA is for ARCTIC, drilled by wells so tall
Jesper Myrfors
P is for PRIVACY, now unsecuredJesper Myrfors
P is for PRIVACY, now unsecured
Chris O’Neill
Q if for QUALITY, far from the best
Chris O’Neill
Q if for QUALITY, far from the best
Elisa Teague
W’s for WOMEN, scorned as second rate
Elisa Teague
W’s for WOMEN, scorned as second rate
Joel Watson
Y is for YOUTH, growing up in dictatorships
Joel Watson
Y is for YOUTH, growing up in dictatorships
Stan Shaw
M is for MUSLIMS, barred by Trump’s bombast
Stan Shaw
M is for MUSLIMS, barred by Trump’s bombast
Tony Steele
Z is for ZEITGEIST, cuz it’s the apolocalypse
Tony Steele
Z is for ZEITGEIST, cuz it’s the apolocalypse
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